Web Statistics & Analysis

data analysis for business and finance

At the end of the day you need to count how many people visited your web site, which sections are most popular and which links are most clicked and which pages attract most visitors. Drupal supports advanced feature to track your visits using the advanced Google analytics module, you just need to create an account in Google Analytics and then we will install and set up this amazing module for you on your site.

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Drupal newsletter service

Simplenews module to publish and send newsletters to different list of subscribers. The module handles multiple newsletter categories with separate settings. It can also be used to send HTML newsletters when used in combination with another supported mail system module.

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Facebook Applications

Develop a Facebook application with the core Facebook Platform technologies: Social Plugins, Graph API and Platform Dialogs. Let your website interact with the Facebook social network: News Feed, Notifications, competitions and implemet any kind of viral marketing campaigns.