Senior Drupal Developer

Pasquale Laudonio works as a Senior Drupal 7, 8, 9 and 10 Developer for Maria Consulting LTD from 31st July 2013.
He built this web site, please have a look at his most recent articles:
Drupal Freelance Contract Specialist in London
I have 20 years commercial experience in LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) Development, Testing and Continuous Integration (Git / Jenkins).
I worked with different PHP frameworks such as Laravel, Codeigniter, WordPress, above all I'm specialised in Drupal and in the last 2 years I'm working mostly with Drupal 8 and 9.
In the last 3 years I worked for Financial Institutions and Banks such as UBS, Credit Suisse, Santander and Lending Works. I'm very familiar with custom REST APIs, Services, Gateways, OpenID Connect (OIDC), API Market places such as Apigee, IBM API Connect and Open Banking.
On of my first client in London is the marketing agency VCCP, I worked for them as Web Developer for 6 years. They most famous marketing campaign was Compare the Meerkat and the creation of the new personage Aleksandr Orlov (Russian: Meerkat), which made them won the marketing agency of the year reward in 2011. After VCCP I moved on spending one year in FirstClarity (main Escenic partner in UK).
After FirstClarity I opened my own LTD company and since then my main role has been primarily PHP / Drupal Senior Full stack Developer, other skills used Linux, Apache, MySQL.
Web Development Skills
- Web / Application Server: Docker, Composer, Tomcat, Apache, IIS, XAMP
- Programming Languages: PHP / Drupal 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Symfony
- Databases: MYSQL, SQL Server, PostrgreSQL, MongoDB
- Operating Systems: Windows-95/98/2000 Professional, OS X, LINUX (Ubuntu), AWS Amazon
- IDE: PHP Storm (X-debug), Eclipse, Notepad++
- Tools: Putty, FileZilla, Cyberduck, Winscp, Drush (ev, sqlq, ms, mr, mi, fr, etc..)
- XML and Ajax: REST, SOAP, XSLT, DOM, JSON, Ajax, Jquery, Angular, NodeJS.
- Deployment and Testing Continuous Integration: Jenkins, bugTrack, PHP Unit Test, Performance Testing (JMeter), Watchdog (drush wd-show), Apache Ant, Composer, Grunt, Bower, SASS.
- Source Control: GitHub, BitBucket, SourceTree (git UI), SVN, CVS, SourceSafe
- Object Relational Model: UML, My SQL Workbench, HeidiSQL, Robomongo
- Tools and Methodology: JIRA (Backlog / Workflow / Sprints), Agile
- Frameworks: Drupal 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Laravel3, Symfony, Codeigniter, WordPress, Escenic
- Drupal Modules: Form API, Content Construction Kit (CCK), Views, Taxonomy, Features, Ctools (multistep form), Single Sign-On, Pathauto, Entity API, Field collections, Bootstrap Sub Themes, JQuery, IMCE, ImageField, ImageAPI, Internationalization (i18n), Back up and Migrate, Migrate Drupal, Drupal Upgrade, Migrate Plus, Migrate Tools, Rules, Metatags, Views Slideshow, CAPTCHA, Entity Reference, Redirect, Calendar, Lightbox2, feeds, Sitemap, imageCache, field permissions, Mongo Indexer, etc..