Clients: The Independent, Global Blue, Evening Standard, Chiltern Railways, Telegraph Puzzles.
PHP/Drupal, Linux, Apache, MySQL, JSP, Spring, Escenic 5, XML, XSLT, Web services, Ajax, Jquery, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, SVN, Eclipse.
Development method: Agile, Scrum
Telegraph Puzzles web site of national newspaper
Chiltern railways web site of national rail company.
The Independent website of the national newspaper
Evening Standard website of the London evening newspaper
Global Blue website the shopping tourism company. Tax-free shopping.
Integrating the websites with the third party API's
Customizing Escenic widgets as per requirement.
Customizing Drupal modules and themes as per requirement.
Building and styling HTML pages.
Added Ajax concepts to avoid refreshing the page.
Developed CSS classes to make the website look and fell better.