at home work during quarantine

Telegraph Puzzles, Agile project London, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, MVC, jquery

I worked on the Telegraph Puzzles when I was at First Clarity. The web site was built in Pure PHP and my main task was to improve the Performance and Normalise the Data Base.

Working with an amazing group of developers, around 25 people between 3 Business Analyst,  2 Project Managers, 4 Testers, 10 Backend Developers and 5 UI. In my day to day work I was also involved in the setting up the approach and architecture of projects. I worked with the client and stake holders to gather requirements and develop the best technical approach for each web application:

  • Following an Agile development process, having daily stand ups, 2 weeks sprints.
  • Continuous integration using Jenkins, JIRA, Test Tracking Bugs Tools.
  • Automation integration tests, performance test using JMeter.
  • Programming in Php / LAMP Environment.
  • Follow the PSR-2 Coding Style Guide, best practices and processes in Delivering Code.
  • Doing code reviews, managing branches and approving Pull Requests in Github.
  • Front end technologies including HTML5, CSS3, Application Javascript, MVC and testing frameworks.

The rest of my team helped deliver key business critical projects such as the phenomenal performance result on the Telegraph Puzzles, the load of the Dashboards in the home page very much faster, the speed of the retrieving data improved and from an end user point of view we achieved a great result!

We also achieved a full re-platforming to a responsive, mobile friendly frontend powered by Bootstrap.

1. Play

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I create this Personal web site to Bookmark all my favourites Arcade games from The web site is built in Drupal..

2. Drupal

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Create your own Theme from hundreds of existing themes and then customise it. This is a fantastic feature in Drupal to implement any kind..

3. Keywords

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Read our article on how to use and configure Drupal to use Simple XML sitemap, Meta Tags, Keywords, ALT and titles on images.

4. Custom

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If you cannot find a module that does exactly what you need then need to write a custom module. First try to find the same functionality..