Drupal 7 Developer at LendingWorks, 18 months contract

Company details
LendingWorks 60 Gray's Inn Road London WC1X 8AQ
Job title
Drupal 7 and Laravel 3 Developer
From To

LendingWorks is a Peer to Peer Lender: Borrowers can get cheap loans and Investors get get better interests.

I implemented the integration of Drupal with their complex financial system which is built with Laravel 3 and Postgres. For Loan application I built a Drupal multistep form to collect all data from the borrower, then I integrated Drupal with Equifax (credit checks, scores, repayments history, borrower financial credibility) and Cifas Direct (Fraud Prevention). Once Drupal collect data from the form the integration with their financial system is done though API calls. The backend system calculates all the loan repayments schedule, interest rates and send this information to Drupal in form of an XML response.


Drupal 7, Laravel3, Bootstrap, Equifax and Cifas Direct API Integration, Financial Software (PDF Generation, APR, AER, Fees calculation for Interest Bearing and Interest Free Loans), Loan Book, Reconciliation, reports, Equifax Gatekeeper Checks, PostgreSQL, Form API, Content Construction Kit (CCK), Views, Features, CTools, Pathauto, Entity API, Field collections, Bootstrap, JQuery Update, IMCE, ImageField, ImageAPI, Back up and Migrate, Rules, Meta tags, Entity Reference, Redirect, Calendar, Lightbox2, feeds, sitemap, imageCache, field permissions.

Project Description

LendingWorks is a peer to peer lending platform built using a Drupal multi sites install with a single sign on module so that lenders and borrowers can login in both www and member area. In the member area Lenders can check their returns and Borrowers can see their loans. Work Involved: Bootstrap theme (Marketing site and Member area), financial modules (Integration with Equifax, Cifas Direct, Freedom Finance, Skrill, Brokers, Edge Funds, APR AER and Payment Schedule Calculator Engines). Technologies: Drupal 7, Laravel3, PostgreSQL. Tools: PHP Storm, Beyhond Compare, GitHub, Putty. Change requests go through code reviews (pull requests) and continuously integrated through Jenkins.


I was a Senior Drupal Developer in a team of 3 people, I was responsible for the implementation of the Core Financial Modules such as borrower repayments schedule, loan application form, lender sections (transfer in, auto lending, institutional lending, edge funds, etc.) and borrower sections (statements, early settlements, overpayments, miss payments) and reports (loan book, institutional loans book, marketing reports) and I was also involved in the theme (Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, Ajax, JQuery, JavaScript) of the web site: Lendingworks.co.uk