Lending Works Team

LendingWorks well established P2P Lenders in London UK, P2P algorithm, REST APIs

I worked for LendingWorks when it was just a start up, I had a 18 months contract with them back 5 years ago and today they are one of the most well established P2P Lenders in UK.

LendingWorks website is designed to target both Investors who want to earn interest on their Investment and Borrowers who have a keen interested in borrowing money at cheaper interest rate. And here it comes P2P which is a middle man between Lenders and Borrowers.

The aim of my project was to work mainly on the P2P algorithm, at very high level it consists in creating a loan. When you take a loan, usually it has a start date, an end date, an interest rate and a terms which determines a number of monthly payment that must be paid by the borrower each month. Before the money can be paid to the borrower there are some checks and decisional algorithm that decide if to give credit to the borrower depending on their credit scores and their past credit history.

From my personal experience I found P2P extremely secure and very rewarding for Investor who are searching great returns with a very minimal risk.

LendingWorks has got an extremely low Default rate and their decisional credit algorithm is very smart and they also have a very experienced in-house team of underwriters who also checks the quality of the loans in order to make sure that the risk for the lenders is minimal. You can click on the link below to visit their web site and checks their latest statistics in order to see how well they are doing right now.

Back then I worked on this project with a team of other 10 people, 3 PHP Developers, 1 Account Manager, 1 Marketing Manager, 5 underwriters. Agile Sprint development, daily stand ups, estimation, planning and allocation of tasks, deadline management and retrospective. Since then the company has grown a lot and I feel extremely proud that I could also give my small contribution to help them to reach their success.

Because they are a financial Organisation, they give lot of importance to security and I was also involved in the development of Services to connect our system to external financial provider in order to achieve the best quality on our loans generations. Indeed, lot of people applies for loans, but their main purpose and goals was to protect investors money by having a strict selection process for borrowers who were mainly home owners, fully employed and with a strong credit history.

I also wrote lot of financial custom modules for loans calculations, monthly repayment, interest distribution, and custom code to connect to REST APIs.

In all our Drupal coding we followed the PHP Standards Recommendations (PSR-4) Autoloading Standard in order to define our name spaces and classes in order to place files that will be auto loaded according to our specification.

As I said my position involved mostly the creation of many financial algorithms, data analysis and loan payment's processing and processing new submissions for loan Applications and performing lot of financial checks using custom REST APIs.

To reach the success of this project as Drupal Developer, I had to prove them the following experience:

  • Continuous integration Tools such Jenkins, GitLab and Jira.
  • Full stack technology: Php / Drupal 7 / MySQL / Linux / APIs Integration / J-query / HTML / CSS.
  • I liked the technology and the challenges and solutions that involved.
  • Using my range of expertises to set up custom modules.
  • Research and use always latest technologies, champion innovation as a technical expert.
  • Follow the PSR-2 Coding Style Guide, best practices and processes in Delivering Code.
  • Code was delivered thorough pull requests, code reviews and Deployed and Automated in Jenkins.
  • Data Base Design and Building new Custom Modules for creating Loans and Financial Algorithms.

Among all different challenges I was efficient in communicating and co-ordinating the tasks with different people across different teams and technologies. Starting from collecting the new requirements and doing the functional and technical Data Base designing for new Custom Entities, Custom Modules Architecture and creating all the Back-End CMS Management screens in a very proficient Drupal 7 backend role.

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