I worked for 5 years at VCCP Digital. Long back on 2014 my Technical Leader introduced me on Drupal 5, since then I move on version 6, 7 and most recently Im working mostly on Drupal 8. I spent 5 wonderful years in this outstanding top London Marketing Digital Agency.
I worked in the Digital team on many marketing projects for different clients.
- Following Agile development processes.
- Practicing 'DevOps' with continuous integration using Jenkins.
- Automating integration tests, PHP Units, Behat, Cypress.
- Programming in Php / Drupal 5, 6.
- Responsive Web Design using latest Bootstrap Version.
- Doing code reviews and sprint planning sessions to estimates new work.
- Mentoring junior developers and do research for new technologies.
- Using my range of expertises to advise on a range of subjects.
We worked on very exciting projects such as the very famous campaign CompareTheMeerkat.com which has a layout very similar to the real Compare the Market, the protagonist and new personage of this very funny promotional Campaign was Aleksandr Orlov, a Russian Meerkat which promoted the price comparison car Insurance website. When I did some of my interviews, I even found people that believed that I was making the Voice of Aleksandr because my accent looks like a bit Russian, but Im Italian... Maybe I took it from my Russian Wife.
They were very friendly people, I was used to play football once a week with some of my ex work mate, I even managed to win the Fantasy Football League the year before I left!